So with time on my hands I went online to investigate my web hosting options. I found THC offers the most affordable web hosting plan on the web. They claim they host solutions for Bloggers and Small business owners.
With Rudolf, you pay a one-time payment of 95 USD. That’s it! You won’t have to pay for web hosting ever again! How fantastic is that? With my one time payment I will have access to 250 GB of disk space, 3000 GB bandwidth, unlimited MYSQL databases, PHP4 webmail, professional website design tools and a free domain for life!. I think I’m most excited about the professional web design tools they offer. Seriously! I would love to have more design options with my blog.
With anything like this, you can’t help but wonder if there are any hidden costs or recurring fees. With Rudolf there isn’t! I’m going to do a little more investigating, but I’m really excited about this web hosting opportunity. I could even have my own domain name. Yes, these little things excite me!
Just in case I don't get back online - Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
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