Sunday, April 13, 2008

Online Community

My girlfriend and I were talking last week about the sense of community. When we were growing up we knew our neighbors. Our families would get together for neighborhood barbecues. I think everyone kept an eye out for one another’s kids. There was a real sense of community.

I do not see that as much any more. More families have both parents working out side of the home now. We all seem much more busy and more rushed. The sense of community in our neighborhoods is not there.

So where are we gathering? If you were to ask me I’d say on the internet. More and more people are writing blogs and joining on line communities. Someone recently suggested I join 3gb community It is a place to meet new friends and even find some old friends that you’ve lost tough with. You can upload your photo albums, join group blogs, hear the latest mp3 hits, and chat with other members.

It sounds really neat. I’ve never found my way onto other community sites. I have always stuck to my comfort zone of blogging. However, it doesn’t hurt to check it out.

1 comment:

william2233 said...

Nice blog, did you give up on it?
from a children author of Concord, Ca.